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Comfort eating can provide a temporary escape from negative emotions or serve as a way to regulate and numb emotions.

Consuming certain foods, particularly those high in sugar and fat, can trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which temporarily improves mood and provides a sense of comfort.

During times of stress, some individuals turn to food as a way to alleviate tension and find relief. The act of eating and the taste of certain foods can be soothing and distracting from the stressors of daily life.

Certain foods may be associated with positive memories or experiences from the past. Eating these foods can evoke feelings of nostalgia or comfort, creating a psychological association between food and emotional well-being.

Comfort eating can become a learned behavior or a habit. Over time, people develop routines or patterns of turning to food when they experience emotional distress, creating a conditioned response that reinforces the behaviour.

Food is often intertwined with socializing and cultural traditions. People may engage in comfort eating during social gatherings or use food as a way to connect with others and seek comfort in shared experiences.

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Love always.


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